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aRt 1.4.7

aRt 1.4.6

aRt 1.4.5

  • Use remote dependency for {ggvoronoi}

aRt 1.4.4

aRt 1.4.3

aRt 1.4.2

aRt 1.4.1

  • Fix: bug introduced in divide() when switching to native pipe
  • Fix: change to using after_stat()
  • Fix: use quietly = TRUE when checking packages

aRt 1.4.0

  • Add shatter()
  • Fix missing namespace in polygons()
  • Move {rayshader}, {deldir}, {elevatr}, {metR}, {particles} from Imports to Suggests
  • Add {PrettyCols} to Suggests
  • Lines in lines() are now centre aligned
  • Remove {magrittr} from Imports and use native pipe
  • Bump R version in Depends to 4.1

aRt 1.3.3

  • Add windows()

aRt 1.3.2

aRt 1.3.1

aRt 1.3.0

aRt 1.2.9

  • add contours() function
  • add stacked() function
  • add {metR}, {elevatr}, {raster}, and {rayshader} dependencies
  • Minor bug fix to tiles()

aRt 1.2.8

aRt 1.2.7

  • add black_hole() function
  • move internal functions to different files

aRt 1.2.6

aRt 1.2.5

aRt 1.2.4

aRt 1.2.3

aRt 1.2.2

  • update pkgdown website

aRt 1.2.1

  • update waves() to use vector of colours

aRt 1.2.0

  • add streams() function
  • Move {MetBrewer} to Suggests
  • Move {RColorBrewer} to Suggests
  • Functions take colour vectors instead of palette names as inputs

aRt 1.1.9

  • update license

aRt 1.1.8

  • add sunbursts() function
  • add panel function
  • add {pkgdown website}

aRt 1.1.7

  • add GitHub actions
  • fix CI

aRt 1.1.6

aRt 1.1.5

aRt 1.1.4

  • Add flow_fields()
  • Fix missing ggplot2:: in circles
  • Fix no visible binding for global variable "new_group"

aRt 1.1.3

  • Installation bug fix

aRt 1.1.2

aRt 1.1.1

aRt 1.1.0