This function generates a generative art ggplot object from voronoi tiles.
- n
Number of points to generate tiles from. Default 100.
- fill_cols
Vector of colours to fill tiles with, Default
c("#4B3F72", "#CBB3BF", "#FFC857", "#119DA4", "#19647E")
.- line_col
Colour of lines between tiles, Default "white".
- line_size
Thickness of lines between tiles. Default 1.
- x_means
Vector of any number of means for the x-coordinate. Default
c(0, 10, 5)
.- y_means
Vector of any number of means for the y-coordinate. Default
c(0, 7, 8)
.- xy_var
Numeric variance of x and y points. Default 2.
- s
Seed value. Default 1234.