
Book publishing as a scholarly activity

This talk will share my personal experiences of writing and publishing a book as a scholarly activity. It will cover engaging with publishers, contracts, the writing process, and the benefits and challenges of book writing as an early career academic.

Accessibility in official statistics

Accessibility ensures that all individuals, can access, understand, and use information effectively, and so it is a crucial element to consider when creating official outputs. This talk will include practical tips for evaluating and improving accessibility of statistical outputs created using open source software.

Introduction to Julia for R Users

R is widely used for data analysis, but Julia offers high performance with a user-friendly syntax, making it an appealing alternative. This talk explores how R users can benefit from Julia, get started with it, and integrate it with R.

Practical Techniques for Polished Visuals with Plotnine

Plotnine is a Python library that implements the Grammar of Graphics, enabling users to create complex, layered plots. This talk covers techniques for customising your plots, and highlights how plotnine integrates with matplotlib.

Engaging young people in statistics

This panel session will share insights on outreach, on the challenges and opportunities around teaching statistics in the school curriculum, and on engaging with the general population to inspire them about statistics and data.

Getting started with generative art

This session, which is part of the pre-conference workshop for early career statisticians and data scientists organised by the YSS, will give you a practical introduction to generative art, and what it’s got to do with statistics and data science!

Stop making spaghetti (code)

In this talk, I’ll discuss skills and training to better support the increasing number of early career researchers who are required to submit code, develop R packages, and maintain and open source projects.

Engaging and effective data visualisations

Good data visualisation requires appreciation and careful consideration of the technical aspects of data presentation. In this session, you’ll learn different ways to make your visualisations more effective and engaging.

Styling documents and building extensions with Quarto

This session will give an overview of ways to customise HTML outputs (including documents and revealjs slides) as well as PDF documents. We’ll also discuss the use of Quarto extensions as a way of sharing customised templates with others.

Teaching statistics interactively with webR

In this talk, I’ll describe ways that teaching materials can be adjusted and made more engaging with live coding examples. It will include a demonstration of using webR to teach a simple statistical concept showing its potential to revolutionise the way we teach data science.

Classification of phonocardiogram signals to detect heart murmurs

Phonocardiographs are used to capture high resolution recordings of heart sounds. This lightning talk will discuss how we can use time series analysis can uncover hidden structures in the recordings, and use this information to detect and classify heart murmurs.

Using {tidymodels} to detect heart murmurs

This talk will give a brief overview of the {tidymodels} framework for machine learning, discuss the extraction of time series features, demonstrate the process of fitting machine learning models in R to heart sound recordings, and consider different approaches to model evaluation.

Reproducible data reports with Quarto

Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system. Quarto allows you to weave together narrative text and code to produce elegantly formatted output and tell a story.

useR: Learning {ggplot2} with generative art

This talk will highlight a few of the more subtle differences in some aspects of ggplot2 discovered through experimenting with generative art, and show how we might exploit these subtleties to make more informative data science plots.