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usefunc 1.1.4 2024_07_10

usefunc 1.1.3 2024_02_13

  • Update tidytuesday template file

usefunc 1.1.2 2023_10_02

usefunc 1.1.1 2023_08_21

usefunc 1.1.0 2023_07_11

usefunc 1.0.14 2023_04_15

  • update last() function to return data frame if column selected
  • add none() function

usefunc 1.0.13 2023_02_19

usefunc 1.0.12 2023_02_05

usefunc 1.0.11 2023_01_26

  • add function_docs_table() function
  • add dependency on {dplyr}, {purrr}, {tibble}, {stringr}, {knitr}, {rlang} and {rd2list}

usefunc 1.0.10 2022_08_28

usefunc 1.0.9 2022_08_22

  • update GitHub actions
  • edit license

usefunc 1.0.8 2022_08_14

usefunc 1.0.7 2022_05_28

usefunc 1.0.6 2022_05_21

  • update pkgdown website

usefunc 1.0.5 2022_05_07

  • update license
  • update pkgdown website

usefunc 1.0.4 2022_04_17

usefunc 1.0.3 2022_03_23

  • add custom ggplot theme

usefunc 1.0.2 2022_03_23

  • add GitHub actions

usefunc 1.0.1 2022_02_02

  • add str_wrap_break function