Welcome to the Styling documents using Quarto extensions workshop! The course website can be found at nrennie.rbind.io/training-quarto-extensions, where you will also find a copy of the slides.
In this workshop, we’ll cover:
- How to customise Quarto HTML outputs (including documents and revealjs slides) using CSS and PDF documents using LaTeX.
- Understanding what Quarto extensions are, how to install them, and use them for styling documents.
- Knowing what the components of Quarto extensions are and be able to create a simple style extension to make your documents look more professional and recognisable.
- (Ideally) able to create simple Quarto documents.
- No prior knowledge of CSS or LaTeX required.
Software requirements
- Working installation of Quarto, and are able to render an HTML document. If not, download from quarto.org.
- Able to run command line operations e.g. via Terminal in RStudio.
- Ideally, a working installation of one of R, Python, or Julia.
Further training
View other available training courses and workshops at nrennie.rbind.io/projects/training-workshops.