R-Ladies Edinburgh
11 December 2023
Lecturer in Health Data Science at Lancaster University.
Academic background in statistics, and experience in data science consultancy.
Organiser of R-Ladies Lancaster.
Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system that allows you to combine text, images, code, plots, and tables in a fully-reproducible document. Quarto has support for multiple languages including R, Python, Julia, and Observable. It also works for a range of output formats such as PDFs, HTML documents, websites, presentations,…
That sounds a bit like R Markdown!
R Markdown isn’t going anywhere but…
Quarto has better multi-language support
More user-friendly
Better control of the output layouts
Within RStudio IDE: click Render (or Ctrl+Shift+K)
YAML header
Text, links, images
Code, tables, plots
Equations, references
Documents: HTML, PDF, MS Word, Markdown
Presentations: Revealjs, PowerPoint, Beamer
Code visibility options:
Figure options:
Output location:
Highlight code:
We can also include code inline, rather than as a separate chunk.
The total number of lemurs is `r sum(lemurs$n)`
The total number of lemurs is 21859.
Templates: github.com/quarto-journals
title: "A very cool title"
format: html
\hat{e}_i = Y_i - \hat{Y}_i
\[\begin{equation} \hat{e}_i = Y_i - \hat{Y}_i \end{equation}\]
::: .columns
::: {.column width = "60%"}
The content for the first column goes here.
::: {.column width = "40%"}
The content for the second column goes here.
graph G {
qmd -- Knitr;
qmd -- Jupyter;
Knitr -- md;
Jupyter -- md;
md -- pandoc;
pandoc -- HTML;
pandoc -- PDF;
pandoc -- Word;
pandoc -- more;
Documentation: quarto.org
GitHub Discussions: github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/discussions
Intro Webinar: jthomasmock.github.io/quarto-2hr-webinar
Awesome Quarto List: github.com/mcanouil/awesome-quarto
Create a new Quarto HTML document and fill in the YAML options.
Insert a new R code block.
Load some data e.g. data("CO2")
and create a plot.
Render your document.
Change the code block options.
Edit the YAML options to create revealjs
slides instead.
Look at the Quarto documentation to view other YAML options for revealjs
Bonus: create a parameterised document!