University of Edinburgh
17 February 2025
Lecturer in Health Data Science within the Centre for Health Informatics, Computing, and Statistics.
Background in statistics, operational research, and data science consultancy.
Collaborate with local NHS trusts on data science and data engineering projects.
Co-author of Royal Statistical Society’s Best Practices for Data Visualisation guidance.
How did the Royal Statistical Society’s Best Practices for Data Visualisation guide start?
A survey in 2021 asked Royal Statistical Society (RSS) members their views on Significance magazine.
Respondents were asked, “What aspects of content could be improved?”
“RSS publications seek data visualisation expert to develop best practice guidance.”
Andreas Krause, Idorsia Pharmaceuticals
Nicola Rennie, Lancaster University
Brian Tarran, Royal Statistical Society
The guide would:
In this session we will cover…
why you should visualise data;
some guidelines for making better charts;
examples of good and bad charts!
Data visualisation has two main purposes:
Grab attention
Visualisations stand out. If a reader is short on time or uncertain about whether a document is of interest, an attention-grabbing visualisation may entice them to start reading.
Improve access to information
Textual descriptions can be lengthy and hard to read, and are frequently less precise than a visual depiction showing data points and axes.
Summarise content
Visual displays allow for summarising complex textual content, aiding the reader in memorising key points.
What are you trying to communicate?
Who are you trying to communicate it to?
Visualisations should be intuitive to the group of people you are communicating with.
Some types of charts are less intuitive than others.
On the plot on the left, how tall is the bar?
Should the axes start at 0?
They don’t always have to start at zero…
Longer labels are best on the y-axis, horizontally.
Source: Georgia Department of Public Health
Magnitude ordered:
Naturally ordered:
Avoid spaghetti plots!
Alternatives to spaghetti:
Some alternatives:
Why use colours in data visualisation?
Colours should serve a purpose, e.g. discerning groups of data.
Colours can highlight or emphasise parts of your data.
Not always the most effective for, e.g. communicating differences between variables.
Different types of colour palettes…
… for different types of data.
Is this a good choice of colour?
Check for colourblind friendly plots with colorblindr::cvd_grid(g)
In groups, discuss the following chart. What is good and bad about it?
Think about your audience.
Not all popular chart types are the best choice.
Actively design visualisations with that audience in mind.
Every rule should be broken for some visualisations.