Parameterized plots and reports with R and Quarto

Dr Nicola Rennie


Who am I?

Lecturer in Health Data Science within Centre for Health Informatics, Computing, and Statistics.

Academic background in statistics, with experience in data science consultancy and training.

Using R for over 10 years, and author of multiple R packages.


What to expect during this workshop

  • Combines slides, live coding examples, and exercises for you to participate in.

  • Ask questions throughout!

Stranger Things questions gif


Workshop resources

Course website:

Screenshot of course website

Parameterized plots with {ggplot2}

What do I mean by parameterized plots?

A plot where aspects of the visualisation are controlled by one or more parameters.

  • Time period
  • Geographic region
  • Assumptions about data

Controls the underlying data, captions, title, colours, ….

Gif of Scrollytelling piece with different versions of a plot

Why parameterize plots?

Essentially so that you Don’t Repeat Yourself:

  • Once you’ve parameterized a plot, it’s quick to make different versions of the same plot.

  • Scripts are shorter and easier to read because you’re not copying and pasting code.

  • Ensure consistent layout between plots.

Start with variables…

Create variables that define the data you’re plotting:

month <- "Apr"
year <- 2024

Variables don’t have to be data-related, they can also be:

  • colours
  • fonts
  • output types

…then build functions!

plot_function <- function(month, year) {
  # plot code goes here!

with or without default…

plot_function <- function(month, year, colour = "blue") {
  # plot code goes here!

Live Demo!

  • Replacing hard-coded values with variables

  • Transforming code into a function

  • Using glue() for parameterized plot text

Exercise 1

  1. Create a variable to define a year in the gapminder data that you want to plot.

  2. Edit the code in the gapminder_year.R file to use this new year variable.

  3. Turn your code into a function that takes the data and year variable as arguments (and check it works!)

  4. Bonus: Add another argument to your function that allows a user to define the bar colour.

  5. Bonus: How could you improve your function?


Parameterized reports with Quarto

What is Quarto?

Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system that allows you to combine text, images, code, plots, and tables in a fully-reproducible document. Quarto has support for multiple languages including R, Python, Julia, and Observable. It also works for a range of output formats such as PDFs, HTML documents, websites, presentations,…

Quarto logo

What makes a Quarto document?

YAML header

title: "A very cool title"
format: html


  • Text, links, images

  • Code, tables, plots

  • Equations, references

Output types

  • Documents: HTML, PDF, MS Word, Markdown

  • Presentations: Revealjs, PowerPoint, Beamer

  • Websites

  • Books

Quarto parameters

title: "A very cool title"
format: html
  year: 2023

Note: you can do something similar with R Markdown.

Using parameters in code

Subset data based on parameters:

data_subset <- data |>
    year == params$year

Parameters with Python code

#| tags: [parameters]

alpha = 0.1
ratio = 0.1

Using in code:


Live Demo!

  • Adding a continent parameter to the document

  • Accessing and using the parameter in plotting

  • Using the parameter for tables

Exercise 2

  1. Edit the report.qmd file to add a parameter for year.

  2. Add your plotting function to the quarto document, and pass the parameter into the plotting function. Check it renders.

  3. Change the value of the parameter, and re-render.


Parameterized text with Quarto

Inline text

Sometimes you want to use values from code in a sentence. We can add inline code:

The number of rows is `r nrow(gapminder)`.

which displays as:

The number of rows is 1704.


You can also execute R code in figure captions:

#| label: fig-gapminder
#| fig-cap: !expr 'paste("The number of rows is ", nrow(gapminder))'
#| output-location: column-fragment
#| eval: true
Figure 1: The number of rows is 1704

Conditional content

Display content only for a specific format:

::: {.content-visible when-format="html"}

Will only appear in HTML.


::: {.content-hidden unless-format="pdf"}

Will be hidden unless it's a PDF document.


Conditional content

Display content only for a specific parameter value:

`r if (params$hide_answers) "::: {.content-hidden}"`

The answer is 4.

`r if (params$hide_answers) ":::"`

Quarto profiles

  • Main project configuration: _quarto.yml

  • solutions profile configuration: _quarto-solutions.yml

::: {.content-hidden when-profile="solutions"}

This content will be hidden in the advanced profile


Live Demo!

  • Writing inline R code

  • Using parameter values in inline R code

  • Using parameter values in figure captions

Exercise 3

  1. Edit the sentence ...a plot of the median life expectancy in the year 1952 for each continent... to use inline code to add the document parameter for the year.

  2. Use inline code for the title as well.

  3. Edit the figure caption to use inline code to add the document parameter for the year.


Rendering multiple reports

Rendering multiple reports

Let’s say you want to create multiple different versions of your report.

  • Manually change parameter values and hit render?

  • Pass parameters in one at a time to the command line?

Using the {quarto} R package

The {quarto} R package provides an interface to the Quarto CLI.

We can use the quarto_render() function as an alternative to the Render button or command line.

Then a for loop?

Quarto logo

Using the {purrr} package

  • Replace for loops with code that is shorter and easier to read.

  • Map over a vector of different e.g. continents, time periods, …

  • Use the walk() functions from {purrr} to call a function for it’s side effect e.g. rendering a report.

purrr logo

Note: if you’re more a base R person, you can do something similar with the apply() family of functions.

Live Demo!

  • Using the {quarto} R package.

  • Using {purrr} to generate multiple reports.

Exercise 4

  1. Render a version of your report for the year 1972 using the quarto_render() function.

  2. Render a version of your report for all years in the data.


Workshop resources

Workshop website:

Screenshot of course website