Engaging young people in statistics

This panel session will share insights on outreach, on the challenges and opportunities around teaching statistics in the school curriculum, and on engaging with the general population to inspire them about statistics and data.

By Nicola Rennie in Conference

Schools, outreach and the digital world: how can we deliver statistical and data literacy for all?

Organised by Deniz Gursul for RSS Education Policy Advisory Group


  • The challenges and opportunities around teaching statistics in the school curriculum - Thomas Gyllenship.

  • Engaging young people in statistics - 2024-2025 William Guy Lecturers (Mary Gregory, Nicola Rennie, Mike Campbell)

  • Improving statistical literacy in the general population, with a focus on the importance of statistical and data literacy relevant to AI - Matthew Forshaw.

More information about the William Guy Lectures can be found at: rss.org.uk/policy-campaigns/policy-groups/education-policy-advisory-group/rss-william-guy-lecturers.

The session will end with a panel and audience discussion on improving statistics and data science education, to ensure that no one gets left behind.