Introduction to Git and GitHub for R Users

In this workshop, attendees will learn how to use GitHub in conjunction with RStudio. This session is for you if you don't have any experience of Git or GitHub but you'd like to get started!

By Nicola Rennie in Meetup


In this workshop, we’ll cover:

  • Understand why version control is necessary and useful.
  • Be able to collaborate on code using Git and GitHub from RStudio.
  • Edit code, track changes, and review code using GitHub.

Target audience

  • You’re (reasonably) comfortable writing R code to do some analysis but…

    • Your scripts are getting longer and longer
    • There are R scripts everywhere
    • You don’t want other people to see the code you’ve written because it’s all a bit of a mess!
  • You don’t have any experience of Git or GitHub but you’d like to get started.


  • Basic knowledge of R (including know what R projects are) and RStudio.