
Slides and abstracts for talks and workshops.

The Cool Data Projects Show

In this episode of The Cool Data Projects Show with Kristen Kehrer from CometML, we talked about building cool Shiny apps, the joy of GitHub actions, and generative art!

Styling {ggplot2} graphics for accessibility

In this talk, I’ll discuss good practices for styling different elements of your plots, demonstrate how you implement these in {ggplot2}, and show you how defining your own theme functions can make the process smoother.

Reproducible data reports with Quarto

Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system. Quarto allows you to weave together narrative text and code to produce elegantly formatted output and tell a story.

September 12 – 15, 2022

Aberdeen, UK

By Rhian Davies & Nicola Rennie (Jumping Rivers) in Conference
