
Slides and abstracts for talks and workshops.

Styling documents and building extensions with Quarto

This session will give an overview of ways to customise HTML outputs (including documents and revealjs slides) as well as PDF documents. We’ll also discuss the use of Quarto extensions as a way of sharing customised templates with others.

Introduction to reproducible reporting with Quarto

This workshop will introduce you to Quarto, an open-source scientific and technical publishing system that allows you to combine narrative text, code, images, and tables. We’ll learn how to make different types of documents such as PDF, MS Word, and HTML, and how to parameterise reports and save ourselves time!

Making Christmas cards with R

In this workshop, we’ll learn how to make Christmas cards using {ggplot2}, {ggforce}, and {sf} in R. You’ll also learn how to send them with R!

Teaching statistics interactively with webR

In this lightning talk, I’ll describe ways that teaching materials can be adjusted and made more engaging with live coding examples. It will include a demonstration of using webR to teach a simple statistical concept showing its potential to revolutionise the way we teach data science.

My STOR-i So Far

This talk will discuss my career path to date as part of the International Day of Women in Statistics and Data Science celebrations at STOR-i CDT.

Building {ggflowchart}

This talk will discuss the inspiration for creating {ggflowchart}, the technical details of how it’s built, and the features being added next.