
Slides and abstracts for talks and workshops.

Introduction to Quarto for Research

This workshop will introduce you to Quarto, an open-source scientific and technical publishing system that allows you to combine narrative text, code, images, and tables. We’ll learn how to use Quarto for authoring journal articles.

May 9, 2024

Lancaster, UK

By Nicola Rennie in Workshop

Making your data visualisations more effective

In this talk, I’ll showcase why you should visualise data and how the RSS guide was developed, present some guidelines for making better charts, before we discuss examples of good and bad charts.

Best practices for data visualisation

In this talk, Brian and Nicola will describe the motivation for creating the Royal Statistical Society’s data visualisation guide, describe its key recommendations to improve your data visualisations, and show you how to get involved.

Introduction to Shiny Apps in R

This one hour worshop provides an introduction to what Shiny is and what it can be used for, the basics of building UI and server elements, and an overview of deployment options.