
Slides and abstracts for talks and workshops.

Engaging young people in statistics

This panel session will share insights on outreach, on the challenges and opportunities around teaching statistics in the school curriculum, and on engaging with the general population to inspire them about statistics and data.

Getting started with generative art

This session, which is part of the pre-conference workshop for early career statisticians and data scientists organised by the YSS, will give you a practical introduction to generative art, and what it’s got to do with statistics and data science!

Stop making spaghetti (code)

In this talk, I’ll discuss skills and training to better support the increasing number of early career researchers who are required to submit code, develop R packages, and maintain and open source projects.

Faster R code with Rust

This talk will demonstrate rewriting functions in Rust, calling Rust functions from R, and show a comparison of speed when using Rust for vectorising operations in R.