Technical presentations are difficult

Let’s make them easier!

Nicola Rennie

What makes a good presentation?

That’s a difficult question…

Designing your story

Designing your story

Flowchart showing beginning, middle, and end

In the beginning…

Why should your audience care about your topic?

Why should your audience listen to you about your topic?

Why should your audience care about your topic?

What’s the point?

Flooding covering a traffic sign Virus Giraffe with its tongue out
Images: Unsplash

Why should your audience listen to you about your topic?

Who are you?

…the middle…

…at the end

  • Reiterate the last point

  • Recap the Why?

  • Remind your audience where to find out more

Designing your slides

Less is more…

Contrast and highlight

ggplot(data = economics,
       mapping = aes(x = date,
                     y = unemploy,
                     size = uempmed
                     )) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
ggplot(data = economics,
       mapping = aes(x = date,
                     y = unemploy,
                     linewidth = uempmed
                     )) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +

Contrast and highlight

ggplot(data = economics,
       mapping = aes(x = date,
                     y = unemploy,
                     size = uempmed
                     )) +
  geom_line() +
ggplot(data = economics,
       mapping = aes(x = date,
                     y = unemploy,
                     linewidth = uempmed
                     )) +
  geom_line() +

Contrast and highlight


Background colour

Main text colour

Highlight colour

Make it legible: font size

Which one is easiest to read?

Which one is easiest to read?

Which one is easiest to read?

Which one is easiest to read?

Which one is easiest to read?

Make it legible: font family

Arial: Does it pass the 1Il test?

Times New Roman: Does it pass the 1Il test?

Courier New: Does it pass the 1Il test?


Illustrate, don’t decorate.

Tell a story, with one key point.

Don’t make it more difficult for your audience to see the point.

Basically… keep it simple.

What makes a good presentation?


Thursday @15:20: Reproducible data reports with Quarto (ft. more lemurs…)