R-Ladies Nairobi: #30DayChartChallenge

In this talk, I discuss why and how I created 30 charts for the #30DayChartChallenge, the aspects I found most challenging, and some interesting things I discovered in R along the way!

By Nicola Rennie in RLadies

During April 2022, I participated in the #30DayChartChallenge - a data visualisation challenge where participants create a new chart each day based on the daily prompt. In this talk, I’ll discuss why and how I created 30 charts, the aspects I found most challenging, and some interesting things I discovered in R along the way!

The code for all plots created during the challenge is available on GitHub. I also recently wrote a blog post about the experience, which relates closely to the content in this talk.

The code used to generate the slides is also available on GitHub here.

Thank you very much to R-Ladies Nairobi for the invite, and to Njoki Njuki for organising.