Pride Donations

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import pandas as pd
import plotnine as gg
import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Data
pride_aggregates = pd.read_csv('')

# Colours
colors = ["#E50000", "#FF8D00", "#FFEE00", "#028121", "#004CFF", "#770088"]

# Wrangling
plot_data = (pride_aggregates[pride_aggregates['Company'] != 'Grand Total']
             .sort_values(by='Total Contributed', ascending=False)
plot_data['Company'] = plot_data['Company'].apply(lambda x: re.match(r'[^()]+', x).group().strip())
plot_data = plot_data.drop(columns=['# of States Where Contributions Made'])
plot_data['Company'] = pd.Categorical(plot_data['Company'], categories=plot_data['Company'], ordered=True)
plot_data = plot_data.rename(columns={'Total Contributed': 'Contribution',
                                      '# of Politicians Contributed to': 'Politicians'})
plot_data2 = plot_data.melt(id_vars=['Company'], var_name='name', value_name='value')
plot_data2['x'] = plot_data2['name'].apply(lambda name: 0 if name == 'Contribution' else 1)

# Plot
g = (gg.ggplot()
     + gg.geom_area(data=plot_data2, mapping=gg.aes(x='x', y='value', fill='Company'), position='fill')
     + gg.scale_fill_manual(values=colors)
     + gg.coord_cartesian(expand=False)
     + gg.theme_void()
     + gg.theme(legend_position='none'))


June is Pride month, and many companies start selling rainbow-coloured merchandise to present themselves as LGBTQ+ allies. But many companies who sponsor Pride events, also contribute to anti-LGBTQ+ campaigns and politicians. The six largest donors alone contributed over $1.2 million. Toyota are the largest donors to anti-LGBTQ+ campaigns and, in contrast to other companies, these donations are concentrated to a small number of politicians.

This work shows data from Data for Progress on donations to anti-LGBTQ+ politicians from companies who supposedly support Pride events. The left hand axis represents the monetary value of the donations, and the right hand axis represents the number of politicians the donations went to. The company represented by the red area gives the largest amount of money but donates it to a comparitively small number of politicians. The colours align with those used on the Pride flag.

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