
Making your data visualisations more effective

In this talk, I’ll showcase why you should visualise data and how the RSS guide was developed, present some guidelines for making better charts, before we discuss examples of good and bad charts.

Best practices for data visualisation

In this talk, Brian and Nicola will describe the motivation for creating the Royal Statistical Society’s data visualisation guide, describe its key recommendations to improve your data visualisations, and show you how to get involved.

Practice of OR: Data Visualisation

As part of the parallel sessions section, I will deliver a short presentation on the use of data visualisation in OR before we open the floor to the round table discussion.

Teaching statistics interactively with webR

In this lightning talk, I’ll describe ways that teaching materials can be adjusted and made more engaging with live coding examples. It will include a demonstration of using webR to teach a simple statistical concept showing its potential to revolutionise the way we teach data science.

My STOR-i So Far

This talk will discuss my career path to date as part of the International Day of Women in Statistics and Data Science celebrations at STOR-i CDT.