Data Visualisation

Data Visualisation

Data visualisation is essential for exploratory analysis, and for effectively communicating results.

Creating typewriter-styled maps in {ggplot2}

Inspired by RJ Andrews, I created a typewriter-styled map of Scotland using {ggplot2} in R. This blog post explains the process of gathering elevation data, selecting a suitable typewriter font, and coding up a map!

Adding social media icons to charts with {ggplot2}

Adding social media icons to your data visualisation is a great, concise way to put your name on your work, and make it easy for people to find your profile from your work. This blog post explains how to add social media icons to {ggplot2} charts.

Creating a cracked egg plot using {ggplot2} in R

Inspired by a Visual Capitalist chart, this blog post will show you how to utilise spatial data R packages in a slightly unusual way to create an infographic in the shape of a cracked egg in R.

What’s new in {PrettyCols} 1.0.1?

{PrettyCols} is an R package containing aesthetically pleasing colour palettes that are compatible with {ggplot2}. Find out about new features and palettes contained in the latest release!

Another Year of #TidyTuesday

After another 52 data visualisations created for #TidyTuesday, it’s time for the annual round-up! Read this blog post for some interesting R packages discovered, a few new I’ve tricks learnt, and the data visualisations I’d like to do again.

R packages for visualising spatial data

Throughout the #30DayChartChallenge I made most of my maps with R. This blog post details the R packages I find myself using most often when visualising spatial data.

How to make your own #RStats Wrapped!

Forget about Spotify Wrapped and make your own #RStats Wrapped instead! This blog post will show you how to find your most used functions and make a graphic with {ggplot2}!

30 Day Map Challenge 2022

The #30DayMapChallenge is a month-long mapping, cartography, and data visualization challenge aimed at the spatial community. Here are the things I’ve learnt from participating in the challenge for a second time.

Introducing {PrettyCols}

An introduction to {PrettyCols} - a new R package containing aesthetically pleasing colour palettes that are compatible with {ggplot2}.

Mapping a marathon with {rStrava}

This tutorial blog will walk through the process of getting data from Strava using {rStrava}, making a map of it, and animating the map with {gganimate}.

Creating flowcharts with {ggplot2}

Flowcharts can be a useful way to visualise complex processes. This tutorial blog will explain how to create one using {igraph} and {ggplot2}.

30 Day Chart Challenge 2022

The #30DayChartChallenge is a data visualisation challenge where participants create a chart for each daily prompt.

Getting started with {gt} tables

{gt} is an R package designed to make it easy to make good looking tables. This blog post demonstrates how to add plots as a column in a {gt} table.

A Year of #TidyTuesday

One of my goals for 2021 was to participate in the #TidyTuesday challenge on a regular basis. This blog post reflects on the past year of data visualisations.

#CottonViz Data Visualisation Challenge

In June, the #CottonViz data visualisation challenge was run by the History of Statistics & Young Statisticians sections of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS).