
Blog about all things R, data science, and visualisation.

Creating template files with R

If you find yourself regularly copying and pasting content between files, you can use R to do it for you! For repetitive tasks you can’t fully automate, using template files is a great way to save time and this blog post will show you how to make them in R.

August 22, 2023

Adding social media icons to charts with {ggplot2}

Adding social media icons to your data visualisation is a great, concise way to put your name on your work, and make it easy for people to find your profile from your work. This blog post explains how to add social media icons to {ggplot2} charts.

July 27, 2023

Learning Julia with #TidyTuesday and Tidier.jl

Tidier.jl is a Julia implementation of the {tidyverse}, and after 10 weeks of data wrangling and plotting #TidyTuesday data in Julia, I wanted to share what I’ve learnt about Julia as an R user.

June 1, 2023

Introducing {ggflowchart}

Flowcharts can be a useful way to visualise complex processes, and the new R package {ggflowchart} makes them easy to create in R. This blog post shows you how.

May 12, 2023

Creating a cracked egg plot using {ggplot2} in R

Inspired by a Visual Capitalist chart, this blog post will show you how to utilise spatial data R packages in a slightly unusual way to create an infographic in the shape of a cracked egg in R.

May 4, 2023

Detecting heart murmurs from time series data in R

Time series analysis can uncover hidden structures in data collected over time. In this blog post, I’ll use {tsfeatures} to extract time series features and {tidymodels} to predict which sound recordings of heartbeats contain heart murmurs, using those time series features.

April 14, 2023