
A blog about all things visualisation, data science, and open source software. Some of these blog posts can also be found on R-bloggers, and many have been featured in the R Weekly highlights.

Getting started with generative art

There are many reasons why learning about generative art can be beneficial for data scientists. This blog post will explain what generative art is, where to find some inspiration, and how to start creating your own generative art systems.

October 1, 2024

Five ways to improve your chart axes

A poor choice of axes for your chart can make it more difficult to understand, and in some cases, suggest misleading conclusions. In this blog post, we’ll look at five ways to make better choices about your axes and stop relying on default settings.

September 3, 2024

Creating typewriter-styled images in R

This blog post explains the process of manipulating images using {imager} in R, processing pixel data, and using it to create a new version of an image that looks like it was printed with a typewriter!

August 1, 2024

Annotated area charts with plotnine

The plotnine visualisation library brings the Grammar of Graphics to Python. This blog post walks you through the process of creating a customised, annotated area chart of coal production data.

July 11, 2024

What’s new in {PrettyCols} 1.1.0?

Series: {PrettyCols}

{PrettyCols} is an R package containing aesthetically pleasing colour palettes that are compatible with {ggplot2}. Find out about new features and palettes contained in the latest release!

June 20, 2024

Coloured text in {ggplot2}: {ggtext} vs {marquee}

An alternative to a traditional legend is using coloured text in a subtitle. In {ggplot2}, we can do this using the {ggtext} package. You can also do it using the new {marquee} package. How do they compare?

June 4, 2024